Calories Spent / Steps Covered:
We fetch the information from Google Fit . In case information is not coming, activate Google Fit. Once you will start seeing the information in Google fit, it will be available here also.
Calories Consumed:
- Calories are based on the diet plan of a particular date. In case you had updated the plan with some different option then the updated information is only considered.
- At the moment you cannot track whatever was eaten beyond the diet plan. That is also coming soon
Calories Deficit:
- Difference between Calories spent, and Calories consumed.
- You would lose weight if calories spent are more.
- Negative value indicates you had spent lesser than what you had consumed.
- Approximately 7000 calories Deficit leads to 1 Kg of weigh loss
- Target to have 12 to 15K Deficit a month for 1.5 to 2 Kg of weight loss. So each day target 500 cal of Deficit.