Smart Diet Planner

What are the things I should avoid in keto?

Food we usually avoid in keto are high carb containing cereals, biscuits, fruits, beverages, highly processed food, etc. Foods to avoid in keto are follows: Processed meat, Red meat.  Ultra-processed foods.  Processed foods like biscuits, chips, cakes etc.  High carbs food like food prepared from cereals, grains.  Avoid beverages, sodas etc.  High carbs fruits such […]

What is keto diet and what we include eating?

Keto diet is low carb and high fat diet.  In keto we reduce intake of carbs like food containing high carbohydrates, food prepared with the help of grains and cereals. We suggest eating food high in good fat, fiber and protein like egg, nuts, seeds, fish etc.  In this diet as we eat more fats, […]

How much protein should I take post workout ?

Muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is stimulated by resistance training and protein intake. To stimulate MPS, it is important to consume the appropriate amount of protein following exercise. We give a good amount of options in our diet plan for same Eating too much will not improve muscle growth but may increase the accumulation of potentially […]

Eating before workout is important !

Eating before you work was not recommended earlier, but now it has been realized that it’s a must for muscle growth. Pre-workout helps prevent muscles from being torn down for fuel during training and kick-starts the muscle-growth processes sooner. You should consume some carbs rich food and a liquid such as black coffee before your […]

Is protein good in night time ?

Bodybuilders should consider eating protein in dinner to support recovery. Try to have food rich in casein protein, its amino acids are released at a slower rate than whey protein and that’s what we required in night time. Casein is still rich in leucine, which helps in more muscle protein synthesis. Milk is a good […]