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Exercise to reduce cholesterol

A person can combat high cholesterol by exercising regularly, reducing the risk of adverse health outcomes. One research study suggest that more days per week of either aerobic or strength exercise were associated with lower LDL. A study found that exercises such as jogging, running, and biking decreased LDL by 5%. In a study of 20 overweight women, […]

Alcohol can lead to high cholesterol

Cutting down on alcohol can help you to lower your cholesterol levels. It can improve your heart health and help prevent heart disease in other ways too, by helping to look after your liver, your blood pressure, your weight and your waist line. When you drink alcohol, it’s broken down and rebuilt into triglycerides and […]

Use these salt substitutes

Salt is much needed in our food, its excessive consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases like hypertension. Also, excess salt intake has been linked to high blood pressure. Consuming too many salty snacks and other high-salt foods can contribute to high cholesterol levels. Most types of potato chips, corn chips, ham, and processed […]

Foods to avoid to control cholesterol

Keeping LDL cholesterol levels low is important, it decreases the risk of heart disease. A person can do this by maintaining a healthy diet that includes high-fiber fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fatty fish. To reduce levels of cholesterol, limit the the following foods: fatty meat, like beef, lamb Malai, ghee, Butter Sweets like jalebi, […]

Green tea to reduce cholesterol

Some research indicates that antioxidants found in tea may help lower cholesterol. A meta-analysis from the American journal of clinical nutrition suggests that green tea significantly reduces total cholesterol, including LDL or “bad” cholesterol, However, green tea didn’t affect HDL, or “good” cholesterol. Ginger tea is usually thought of as a stomach soother, but it […]