Table of Contents
Walk more and sit less is indeed a key factor to become fit. Walking helps us to remain fit and healthy. When should I walk? How much should I walk? Besides walking should I do any other activities to keep fit? These are the most common questions in our daily life.
Walking more indeed help us to lose weight. We can also take some Indian diets to lose weight. Weight loss is not very difficult if one start the weight loss program with a proper guideline.
Rujuta Diweker is the greatest nutritionists and fitness expert. She introduces the importance of walking more in week-5. In the previous week, she gave importance to the wholesome meal. Walking is, in fact, a daily activity whereas exercise is different from such daily activity. She mentions that she will introduce the exercises in detail in the coming weeks.
When And How To Walk More?
When we are in sitting position for thirty minutes, we must stand up at least for three minutes. We must stand up in such a position that we will release our whole weight on our two feet. Every day we must four-floor up. In addition, whenever we park our cars, we should park our car in such a destination that we need to walk at least five hundred steps towards our destination. We also need to walk more around once every week. We may visit our neighbours or we may take our children to the park or school or somewhere else.
Once every week, it is necessary to clean our own dishes in the entire house and wash our clothes. In addition, it is also necessary to clean the house by ourselves. A man may cook a meal for the family once a week. Shatapavli is also very effective for weight loss. After dinner, we should do shatapavli. So walk more and do the household activities to get the best result for weight loss.