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How much to eat? What should be the quantity of my meal? These are very common questions from us who want to lose weight. Rujuta Diweker answered these questions in her week 8 program of fitness project 2018. We will discuss thoroughly today on how much to eat to keep fit and healthy. If you have not read our previous articles, we suggest you that you should go through from the beginning of this series of articles which aim to discuss the fitness project 2018 in detail.
Let’s start with the question- How much to eat? Take double time and serve half is a great technique which you should follow while taking a meal. Everyone should follow this technique to lose weight.
We have already mentioned in our previous articles that the Indian diets are awesome for weight loss. You can remain fit and healthy if you follow the fitness program series which we are presenting to you. Loss weight indeed is an inseparable part to keep us fit and healthy.
The Mental Map On How Much To Eat
At the point when your eyes become clear, body solid and craving builds, it’s an indication of accomplishment as indicated by Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Moreover, it is no big surprise then that when you divide control, constrain yourself to eat lesser, veil your hunger with tea/espresso/chewing gum/soups/fibre gels, and so forth, achievement, even on the way of weight loss, gets subtle.
A decent life is a place you can differentiate between your need and ravenousness. Yes, such a life is much more needed to keep fit and healthy. This is indeed a real existence where you can figure out how to appreciate nourishment, wellness and wellbeing without sentiments of blame, regret and dissatisfaction. However, today we feel that we are fat since we eat excessively or devour such a large number of calories. Isn’t it correct that we devour more food than we need?
In all, actuality we live in ‘obesogenic conditions’ – we have made circumstances and framed propensities where it’s practically outlandish for us to support our craving and eat the perfect amount. Thus we started eating more. To know well how much to eat, it is necessary to create a mental map. What you should do is to visualize how much food you would like to eat. Then take half of the food and start having your food. Be sure to take double time to finish the food. After having your food if you feel that you are still hungry, do repeat the same- visualize- serve half- take double time to finish. Now we have the Mental Meal Map to our salvage, a basic device that anybody can use to comprehend their hunger and figure out the amount to eat.
Want To Control How Much To Eat? Follow These Techniques
You should fix a place where to have your food. Do have your foods always at the same pace as far as possible. Develop the habit of no gadgets during any meals. Always try to have food with your hands. What should be the sitting position while you will have your food? Sukhasana is the sitting position you should follow while taking a meal, Rujuta Diweker suggested. You must also keep in mind that you should have a glass of water before you start your meal. Start having a glass of water at least before one meal from this week and then gradually fix this habit for coming days. Thus gradually increase for two and then for all meals.
We believe that you have understood well on how much to eat. Following the mental map, you can easily improve the proper amount of meal that you should have rather eating more.