Smart Diet Planner

Eat wholesome meal like Sandwich /Egg /Dosa between 4-6 pm

Introduction The wholesome meal has a tremendously positive effect on our body. This amazing food helps us in many ways. India is a blessing country. There are plenty of Indian diets for weight loss. Most of us want to lose weight. Even many of us participated in many weight loss programs in a hope to […]

Why You Should Eat Rice For Dinner

Introduction Should I eat rice since I want to lose weight? Being Indian, I do take Indian diets. Doesn’t an Indian diet increase the weight? These sentences are very common among the people who want to lose their weight. Even many Indians join the weight loss program in the hope that they will be very […]

Why you should do Strength training at least Once A Week

Introduction Strength training prevents diabetes, regulates period cycle, and reduces anthric pain and uric acid, and blood pressure. This strength training also helps the balanced rate, increases brain function and gait speed. In addition, it also reduces depression. Thus strength training ensures a very sound sleep. You know what? This type of training is a […]

Walk More, Sit Less To Be Fit and healthy

Introduction Walk more and sit less is indeed a key factor to become fit. Walking helps us to remain fit and healthy. When should I walk? How much should I walk? Besides walking should I do any other activities to keep fit?   These are the most common questions in our daily life. Walking more indeed […]

No Gadgets During Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner time

Introduction Gadgets are inseparable parts of our life. We almost all depend on gadgets from daily life to office work. Do you know that these devices bring more health hazards than benefits? Yes, it is also admirable that gadgets bring a lot of positive aspects of life. However, it should be used in a proper […]